OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

PlantSight Tree

The PlantSight Tree displays the list of components stored on PlantSight for the selected WorkSet. The PlantSight Connect option connects to PlantSight and downloads the component/relationship information stored on the hub.

The PlantSight options are only enabled when you are using a WorkSet which has been associated with a CONNECTED project and provisioned using the OpenPlant Project Administrator. When the WorkSet is provisioned to an imodel created on PlantSight, then all of the component/relationship information for all of the drawings using that WorkSet are stored on the Hub. The Iso Sheets node lists the available isosheets created in the imodel, and are also categorized by associations such as Area, Service and Unit.
Important: While multiple imodels can be created for a Connected Project, OpenPlant Isometrics Manager only connects to the Primary imodel for the project. So you must make sure that the WorkSet selected when launching OpenPlant Isometrics Manager is provisioned to the Primary imodel for the project.

Iso Sheets

If you click on the Iso Sheet node, all of the isosheets stored on PlantSight will display in the Isosheet Grid to the right.

By expanding any of the relationship nodes (Area, Service, Unit) you can click on a defined relationship value and the iso sheets defined for that value will be displayed in the IsoSheets grid.